With Kids, It’s the Little Things

I was going to name this post “Wears your paddle… Sure does” when I realized that the riddle that those words are attributed to only works in person. Not when read in text. The riddle is as follows:

Two guys are canoeing through a desert. One of them says:
“Where’s your paddle…”
The other responds “Sure does.”

What does it mean?

Except the real riddle says “wears” not “where” apostrophe “s”. Where the spelling is, of course, not obvious to the listener. So.


Good riddle. Bad for online. But plz go tell your friends & family. It’s a show stoppah,for shore. hehe 😉 anyway

The 8 yo I nanny loves riddles. He knows quite a lot of them. In the first week that I was nannying for these kids, I told H the Paddle riddle and he was befuddled. He and his sister (11 yo) both. In fact, they were fuzzed, flustered and heh’d for the entire day. Weekend, even. Since I shared the riddle at the end of a week. So what’d they do? Asked dad of course. Dang.

They came back knowing the riddle. They told me they understood. Oh well, they were bound to figure it out sooner or later. And I’m glad they did. Because now we have a super inside joke about the riddle that only the three of us can understand. And when other friends and family are around, they can’t piece anything together related to any riddle.

I’ll respond to something saying “Sure is!” And they’ll respond to me saying “Sure does!” in reference to the riddle.

As little as it may seem, this brightens my day; every time. Even after the constant fights, the hitting wars, the throwing objects across the room, the blood-curdling screams… it turns out that the little things really do provide that spark of joy that brings a smile and clears the mind; providing a clean slate for a moment.


Moments like these are a reminder of the good things in life. And they provide the hope that teaches us that life goes on, and things get better~

Sure does. <3

7 thoughts on “With Kids, It’s the Little Things

  1. LOL talk about befuddled….LOl it took my husband and I repeating the dam riddle over and over and oh yeah over again….then finally the light bulb came on….LOL good riddle….love your post…and yes it is the small things that matter the most….we’re still laughing….and I am sure it will become a one liner with us too…

      1. yes, it wasn’t a pretty site…us sitting here scratching our heads going I don’t get do you….Duh…no I don’t get do you….kinda sad but were still laughing over it…LOL

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